Uppland has always been the ruling land of Sweden. It was here the swedish society has its roots and its here the power almost always have had its seat. It began before the viking era, when the rest of Europe was ruled by the Roman Empire, an ancient kingdom was created in the valley of lake Mälaren, called Svithjod. Svithjod was placed were Uppland is today, and was divided in four provinces, Tiundaland, Attundaland, Fjärdhundraland and Sjöland. It was in Tiundaland the capital, Uppsala was.

When the Kingdom of Sweden was created after Götaland was included with Svealand, this area continued to be the head of the land, but the capital was moved to Stockholm.
The modern capital, Stockholm, is by the way divided between Uppland and Södermanland, and Uppland has like the other provinces lost its political status to the län long time ago. Uppland today is replaced with Uppsala län, that has the same shield as the province.
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