Television in Sweden was long limited to only one tv channel until the year 1969 came and TV2 started to send. These two channels were both public service wich mean they get their money from the state and from all those people who have tv at home and thereby are forced to pay the obligatoric tv-livence tax. Comercial in Sweden was thereby and still today forbidden by the law. First 1988 when TV3 started to send the swedish people could see comercial in tv. The studio of TV is within Sweden, but bechause of the law, they send from London, wich means this channel is a brittish tv-channel in swedish. Thanks to this TV3 can avoid the Swedish law that ban comercial in tv. TV4 is a very unique tv channel, it is sent from Sweden and is public service, but still they manage to send comercial, wich is the only fully swedish public service channel that is allowed to send tv comercial. Today the swedes can watch as many tv channels as any other West European country. This is the nine tv channels that follow each other in numeriologic line.
SVT 1, the first tv-channel in Sweden, owned by the public-servie company of SVT (Sveriges Television). SVT has many other tv channels like SVT2 (before called TV2) and SVT B, SVT Europa, UR, Kunskapskanalen and SVT24.

SVT2, once called TV2, is the second tv channel in Sweden, also owned by the company SVT. At its start, this channel only sent one film each day to differ it from the first channel that was more focused in culture and news broadcasting.

TV3, the third tv-channel in Sweden that start to send the year 1988. This is also the first tv-channel sent in Sweden were comercial was to be seen. It is owned by the comercialistic company MTG and is sent from United Kingdom. TV3 have many sister channels like TV6, ZTV, TV8, VIASAT NATURE, VIASAT ACTION, TV1000 and many others.
TV4, a tv-channel sent from Sweden, owned by the company TV4 AB. This channel was unique bechause its a hybrid between public-service channel and comercialistic channel. It was very fortunate and the company today owns many other tv channels wich all is more or less clones of TV4, like TV4 PLUS, TV400, TV4 Film, TV4 Fakta, TV4 Guld, TV4 Sport, TV4 Komedi, TV4 Science Fiction.

Kanal 5, the fifth tv-channel, owned by SBS Broadcasting, its sent from London to Sweden. Its sister channel is Kanal 9.

TV6, sister channel to TV3 and owned by MTG.

TV7, a new tv channel, owned by the old swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. The newspaper, Aftonbladet have been existing since the year 1811. Aftonbladet today is owned by LO, a workers union.

TV8 is a sister channel to TV6 and TV3 and is also sent from London. It started to send 1997 and was later owned by MTG.

Kanal 9 is a sister channel to Kanal 5, sent from London but owned by the German company ProSiebenSat. 1 Media.