Gislaved is a municipality in Jönköpings län in the western part in the province of Småland. The municipality have 8 towns, the largest and dominant is Gislaved itself, but exept Gislaved there is the other seven towns, these are Anderstorp, Smålandsstenar, Reftele, Hestra, Burseryd, Broaryd and Skeppshult.

100 years ago the dominant village in the area was Anderstorp, Gislaved didnt exist and was only a forested area with farms and houses. There existed small villages, Henja and Gyllenfors (wich today is only districts in Gislaved town). But one day in the beginning of the 1900-century a factory creating gummi was created between the villages of Gyllenfors and the early Gislaved. The town expanded and Gyllenfors soon dissapeared inside Gislaved. The town expanded alot in 100 years and resluted that in the municipality-reform in the 1970:ies the municipality of Anderstorp, Reftele, Smålandsstenar and Hestra all dissapeared under the municipality of Gislaved, cause now, Gislaved was the dominant town wich its rich industry.
What to see in this area in Gislaved and around is not much, but just north outside Hestra there actually is a very popular tourist spot, specially among danes and germans, this place is called Isaberg, a small mountain with about 300 meters height wick is a ski-resort in winter, and camping site in the summer. In Båraryd, a small village (not a town) in the west have a lake were bathing is popular in summer among the locals.
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