tisdag 7 oktober 2008


Dalarna is a province in western Svealand, its a very known province and is fameous for many things and have a big toursit industry. The län in this region is Dalarnas län and the residential city is Falun.

It is from Dalarna were the classic Dalecarlian Horse (Dalahästen) is created, specially around the legendary lake Siljan were the small city Mora is located. Mora is also fameous for its grand church and that its in Mora the goal for the "Vasaloppet" is placed that traditionally is every winter. Other fameous places in Dalarna is Idre, the mountaineous region in norhern Dalarna.

There is also a place around Älvdalen were the people speak their own unique language that only exist here, "älvdalska" or the elfdalian language. Even if the english name for the language is "elfdalian" it dont have anything to do with elfs. Even if elf means "alv" or "älva" in swedish, "älv" also reffers for rivers that flow in mountaineous regions wich is common up here, Älvdalen means "River Valley".

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