Faroe Islands is a small country in the North Atlantic Ocean north of the United Kingdom and west of Norway. It is a nation of islands, and just like Åland, this country is not independent but only have autonomy, under danish soveregnithy.
The capital of Faroe Islands is Tórshavn with a population of 17 000 inhabitants.

The country is very rocky with alot of mountains, there is no deep forests on the islands. The official language is faroese and danish cause of its relationship to the mainland Denmark. Faroese is closely related to icelandic but also norwegian, this three languages is all the west-scandinavian languages.
Faroe Islands was since medival times under the rule of Norway, just like Iceland and Greenland at that time, but after the danish-swedish war, Norway came under swedish rule and Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland remained under the danish crown.